I recently had the good fortune to photograph a great wedding combining my 2 favorite venues on the California Coast – The Carmel Mission (Mission San Carlos Borroméo del río Carmelo) & Point 16 Big Sur. What a treat!
The Carmel Mission retains much of it’s original structure, including it’s bell tower dome. It is one of the most authentically restored of all the mission churches in California and is a U.S. National Historic Landmark. The Mission is also on the National Register of Historic Places. There are beautiful colannade’s, private courtyards, as well as an abundance of great nooks & cranny’s that make for great moments any time of year.
The happy couple chose to be traditional and did not see each other prior to the ceremony. This didn’t stop special guests from coming by to give hugs prior. The full mass was in the late morning with a short reception in the courtyard following. Guests boarded a bus for the trip south along the beautiful Big Sur coast.
Brothers will be brothers:) I assure you, we did do some nice ones before they let loose.
The big moment, smiles all around.
Father Freddy, & The Missions’ Wedding Coordinator Liz Tana, did a great job of keeping everything running smoothly while still retaining that specialness the day deserves:)
Congratulations guys, well done!
After family photos we had a few minutes for some private moments around the grounds of the Mission. A sure bet to get great images – any time of day.
Some friends didn’t get a chance to give hugs till we arrived at Point 16. All that pent up emotion led to multiple displays of affection…some expressed in typical “guy” ways. Too fun!

Table arrangements set by the top notch staff of A Big Sur Affair catering. Floral arrangements courtesy of Kate Healey’s Big Sur Flowers.
Kate’s flowers are organically grown & sourced daily from her families ranch nearby. The property is everything you’d imagine a hilltop Big Sur ranch to be – ocean to mountain views in every direction, meadows, gigantic Ponderosa Pines, hawks, condors, it’s absolutely awesome!
Homemade pies by Cheri from A Big Sur Affair. They are AWESOME every time!!!
A little roasting & toasting by the brother of the groom…priceless.
The perfect ending to a perfect day. Sun going down, an adorable couple, gorgeous weather, excellent food, great wine & cocktails, wonderful company, what more can you ask for? A bonfire with s’mores & a beautiful star-lit evening followed.
Normal behavior for Canadians!!! Ha ha ha:)
Some brothers have a hard time letting go.

The evening ended with friends & family joining the happy couple on the dance floor. Hugs were given all around, last call was called & it was rumored that the afterparty went on till the wee hours of the morning.
All in all it was a great wedding. The Carmel Mission & Point 16 are approximately 90 minutes apart – without traffic. I’ve had several clients entertain the idea of going this route with this being the first one. It is a beautiful way to encompass two of the most spectacular locales on the California coast, but it may not be for everyone simply due to the bus ride. The ride from Big Sur proper to Point 16 (which lies on the southern Big Sur coast) is around 35 minutes.
One thing to note when getting married in Big Sur is that it’s Big Sur for a reason: unrivaled views, towering redwoods, hidden canyons with waterfalls & scattered spectacular beaches. Reception is spotty to non existent (which is a shock to some:), traffic is increasing year by year & the affordable hotels book up early – they will be sold out every weekend from April to October. But if you’re ready to have fun, have a little patience & you’re ready to appreciate Big Sur for what it is, then you just might have the greatest day of your life!
I’ve had the pleasure of working with everyone involved several times this year & they always bring their best! I wouldn’t hesitate call on any of them.
Photographer: Peer Johnson (contact me here)
Ceremony: Carmel Mission, Father Freddy
Reception: Point 16 Big Sur
Floral Arrangements: Big Sur Flowers